Articulation Agreements

An articulation agreement is a formal contract between Sinclair Community College and a secondary school which sets forth all the terms and conditions of a Tech Prep program at both the high school and college levels. Among the many items addressed are:

  • Entrance requirements and program standards at both high school and college.
  • Courses for which students may earn college credit while they are still in high school.
  • Courses a Tech Prep student may "bypass" in college.

Many other items are addressed to assure a smooth pathway for Tech Prep students. Articulation agreements are periodically reviewed and changed or modified as needed. Copies of articulation agreements for each Tech Prep pathway are available for review in the Miami Valley Tech Prep Consortium offices at Sinclair Community College.

Please contact Carita Bass for questions/information concerning Articulation Agreements at or (937) 512-2324.