Credit Options
A major benefit of being a partner with the Miami Valley Tech Prep Consortium and Sinclair Community College is the opportunity for Tech Prep students to earn college credit at no cost to them. There are 3 types of Sinclair Tech Prep Credit:
MVTPC Articulated Credit (AA)
Based on a bi-lateral agreement between a secondary partner and Sinclair, students may earn these Pass/Fail credits by completing the curriculum, skill and, if applicable, receiving a certification or credential. Credits are processed by the MVTPC Office at the culmination of a student’s high school experience and, with the student’s permission, posted to their Sinclair transcript as ‘AA’ (Articulated Credit). These credits do not affect a student’s Sinclair GPA and may not transfer to other post-secondary institutions. We encourage students to check with the college/university they intend to transfer to for details.
MVTPC Proficiency Credit (PR)
Based on a bi-lateral agreement between a secondary partner and Sinclair, students may earn these letter grade credits by demonstrating proficiency in a Sinclair Course taught by their Career Tech high school instructor through assessment(s) agreed upon by Sinclair Faculty. Credits are processed by the MVTPC Office at the culmination of a student’s high school experience and, with the student’s permission, posted to their Sinclair transcript with a letter grade and # sign. These credits do affect a student’s Sinclair GPA and may not transfer to other post-secondary institutions. We encourage students to check with the college/university they intend to transfer to for details.
Career Technical Assurance Guide (CTAG) is a post-secondary credit type structured by the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) for high school students participating in career technical education that offer CTAG aligned courses. Credits are earned by completion of assessments and other requirements specific to the course. The process for obtaining this credit at receiving institutions is dictated by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) and ODHE. Course credit will only be posted for those courses with curricular matches at Sinclair. The Credit Option documents linked below reference CTAG courses for which Sinclair has matches at the time of its creation, but it is encouraged that you review the State Reporting System for a more up to date list. Support: Click here for ODE CTAG support
School Partnerships College Credit Type Chart
AY 24-25 Course Credential and Contact Chart
AY 24-25 Comprehensive Credit Options Excel Download
AY 24-25 Sinclair Tech Prep Credit Options
- Agriculture & Environmental Systems
- Arts and Communication
- Business/Finance/Marketing
- Construction Technologies
- Education & Training
- Engineering & Science Technologies
- Health Science
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law & Public Safety
- Manufacturing Technologies
- Transportation Systems- Automotive
- Transportation Systems- Aviation
- AY 24-25 Comprehensive Credit Options sheet
- AY 24-25 General Course Offerings
Pathway changes:
Added Robotics (F7) under Engineering & Science Technologies
Added Metallurgy (R8) under Manufacturing Technologies
Updated Pathway name (F6) from Engineering and Design to Engineering and Science Technologies
Under IT Pathway, under N1 – removed CTAG duplicate of CIS 1202
Course changes:
ALH 1101 - new FPS for AY24-25, Johanne Doty
ALH 1120 - new FPS for AY24-25, Ayisha Walker
ALH 1130 - new FPS for AY24-25, Kelly Gruver
ALH 1132 - new FPS for AY24-25, Kelly Gruver
AUT 1100 - credit hours changed from 3 to 2
AUT 1102 - credit hours changed from 0.5-3 to 0.5-2
AVT 1101 - new FPS for AY24-25, Tommy Sunderhaus
AVT 1103 - new FPS for AY24-25, Tommy Sunderhaus
AVT 1104 - new FPS for AY24-25, Tommy Sunderhaus
AVT 1105 - changed from 3 to 2
AVT 1131 - credit hours changed from 3 to 4
AVT 1213 - changed from 3 to 2
AVT 1214 - changed from 2 to 3
AVT 1218 - changed from 6 to 4
AVT 2122 - changed from 4 to 3
AVT 2126 - changed from 7 to 4
AVT 2129 - changed from 4 to 2
AVT 2150 - changed from 3 to 1; new FPS for AY 24-25, Tommy Sunderhaus
AVT 2151 - new FPS for AY 24-25, Tommy Sunderhaus
AVT 2236 - changed from 4 to 3
Removed and replaced AVT 1131 with AVT 1130 and AVT 1132 (2 credit hours each)
CAM 1107 - name changed from Principles of Manufacturing to Introduction to Mechanical Drafting with CAD
CAT 1141 - name changed from Architectural Blueprint Reading to Reading Architectural Drawings
CAT 1810 - name changed to just Construction Techniques I
CAT 1820 - name changed to Construction Techniques II
CAT 1830 - name changed to Construction Techniques III
CAT 2431 - name changed from Occupational Safety and Health Administration to OSHA Construction Standards
CIS 1160 - new PR credit for AY24-25, new FPS, Paul Hansford
CJS 1101 - new FPS for AY24-25, Michael Rhinehart
CJS 1103 - new FPS for AY24-25, Michael Rhinehart
CJS 1105 - new FPS for AY24-25, Michael Rhinehart
CJS 1155 - new FPS for AY24-25, Michael Rhinehart
CJS 2205 - new FPS for AY24-25, Joe Niehaus
DAS 1206/1207 - credit hours changed from 3 to 2
DEH 1102 - New FPS, for AY24-25, Wendy Moore
EET 1131 - credit hours changed from 5 to 4
EGR 1217 - New FPS for AY 24-25, Patrick Piper
EET 1181 - credit hours changed from 2 to 2-3, new FPS for AY 24-25, Patrick Piper
EET 1198 - New FPS for AY 24-25, Patrick Piper
EGR 2252 - credit hours changed from 2 to 3, new FPS for AY 24-25, Patrick Piper
ENS 1116 - credit hours changed from 3 to 2
FST 1555 - New FPS for AY24-25, Kirk Temple
HIM 1110 - credit hours changed from 2 to 3
HIM 1204 - under Health Science, under J7 and JM – updated ODE course
HMT 1126 - credit hours changed from 2 to 4, new FPS for AY24-25, Michele Hurst
ISE 1201 - name changed from Introduction to Safety to Introduction to Manufacturing Safety
MAS 1110 - credit hours changed from 2 to 4
MAT 1125 - New FPS for AY24-25, Kristin Killen
MET 1231 - credit option changed from AA to CTAG for AY24-25
MET 1301 - New FPS for AY24-25, Michael Neal
MRK 2100 - New FPS for AY 24-25, Nav Brar
MRK 2135 - New FPS for AY 24-25, Jessy Jones
VET 1102/ VET 1202 – credit hours changed from 3 to 2
Courses added:
AGR 1110 - New CTAG as of AY24-25
CAT 1120 - New PR credit and new FPS for AY24-25, Alexandra Bohler
FST 1102, FST 1103 and FST 1442 new AA credit options, and new FPS for AY24-25, Kirk Temple
HVA 1201 - new PR credit and new FPS for AY24-25, De Dawson
HVA 1241 - new AA credit and new FPS for AY24-25, De Dawson
ISE 1300 - new AA credit and new FPS for AY24-25, Cole Glover
MET 1401 - new AA credit and new FPS for AY24-25, Michael Neal
MRK 2145 - new AA credit for AY24-25, FPS TBD
VIS 1420 - new CTAG as of AY24-25 - added to pathways B0, B1, B2
Courses removed:
CJS 1103 - course not requested
CJS 1155 - course not requested
MAN 1110 - course not requested
MAS 1102, 1110, 2201, 2210 (CTAGs deactivated)
VET 1120 - course deactivated, replaced by AGR 1110 CTAG option
VIS 1208 - course deactivated
Removed Non-PLTW and PLTW sections for articulated under Engineering Pathway and made into one section
To view 2021 – 2022 Sinclair Tech Prep credit options and course information for each pathway, click here!
To view 2022 – 2023 Sinclair Tech Prep credit options and course information for each pathway, click here!
To view 2023 – 2024 Sinclair Tech Prep credit options and course information for each pathway, click here!